Wow. I just entered my 4th decade (born in the 80's, child of the 90's, graduated high school and college this past decade, and entering the "real world" now). I turn 23 this year. I'm a college graduate. And like most people at this quarter-life crisis point in our lives, I have no idea where I want to go, what I want to do, or who I want to do it with. But the incredible thing is, after almost 23 years, after ups and downs, after a parents divorce, after broken relationships and friendships, after everything I've been through that has brought me to where I am today, I am happy with who I am. Yes, I've made mistakes. So many I couldn't dare to list them all. But those mistakes have taught me so much about who I am, who I want to be, and who I don't want to be. So to all the people who have made this life what it is today, I thank you. Rather you helped me get here by supporting me, loving me, being there for me, or hurting me, leaving me, abandoning me, quitting on me, either way, I say thanks. I am blessed to have the life that I have, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I just spent a week in Colorado in the mountains and the snow, and sometimes the solitude of skiing down a mountain 15,000 feet in the air and seeing nothing around you but more mountains makes you realize that no matter how many people you have in your life, sometimes the only way to truly find contentment is through being alone. As I enter this new chapter in my life, I know that I will be bringing some people with me that have been there for almost all 23 years, and also some people that I just recently met, and I will also be leaving some people behind that truly impacted my life forever, and sure I'll miss them, but I know that everything in my life has happened for a reason, and sooner rather than later I'll be seeing just exactly what that reason is.
We only have one shot at this life, so I'm here to make the best of it. Look out world, here I come.